1/10/2022: Former PhD student Barclay leads paper linking measured and modeled groundwater inputs to streams. Read here.
6/25/2021: Welcome new lab members! Ariana Dionisio (MS) and Madeline Kollegger (PhD).
6/22/2021: Helton is a co-author (along with former MS student Ooi) on a paper focused on salt marsh soil carbon dynamics, see press release here.
3/4/2021: PhD student Danielle Hare's research on shallow and deep groundwater contributions to streams across the U.S. published today in Nature Communications and featured in UConn Today and The Conversation
2/15/2021: Helton award funding from the Long Island Sound Research Fund for two projects (on watershed legacies and salt marsh restoration), see press release here.
2/2/2021: New paper led by former undergraduate Kayleigh Granville on seasonal patterns of denitrification published in Wetlands! Click here.
9/20/2020: New paper led by former PhD student Janet Barclay "Improved Prediction of Management‐Relevant Groundwater Discharge Characteristics Throughout River Networks" published in WRR. Click here.
5/20/2020: Helton gives a CLEAR webinar on "Water Quality Challenges in Groundwater Influenced Streams" - you can watch the recording here.
4/2/2020: Lab member Eric Moore earns an Honorable Mention for his NSF GRFP application!
8/7/2019: Postdoc Lauren Koenig leads paper on emergent productivity regimes of river networks published in Limnology and Oceanography-Letters. Click here.
7/29/2019: Postdoc Mark Harvey leads papers on using drone-mounted thermal infrared cameras to evaluate stream and wetland restoration published in Water. Click here.
4/14/2019: Lab members Kevin Jackson and Kayleigh Granville both earned Honorable Mentions for their NSF GRFP applications!
4/4/2019: Former MS student April Doroski's thesis work published in Wetlands! https://rdcu.be/busdL
3/27/2019: Congratulations to Sean Ooi and Janet Barclay, recipients of this year's college-level MS Research and PhD Research awards!
2/8/2019: New paper out, led by former MS student April Doroski. Greenhouse gas response when coastal wetlands experience both urban pollution and saltwater intrusion. Click here.
1/16/2019: The lab is growing! Welcome postdoc Mark Harvey, Phd student Eric Moore, and MS student Adam Haynes who all join us as part of our new NSF-funded Legacy Nitrogen Project!
1/3/2018: Two papers from the Helton lab out this week on wetland response to saltwater intrusion - one led by Helton in Ecosystems (here) and another led by former MS student April Doroski in Soil Biology and Biocheistry (here)!
8/24/2018: Welcome MS student Kevin Jackson to the lab!
7/6/2018: Helton and Dr. Marty Briggs and Dr. Jeff Starn (USGS) are awarded an NSF to study legacy nitrogen in groundwater discharge to streams and rivers!
6/7/2018: Helton and Dr. Marty Briggs (USGS) are seeking MS and PhD graduate students - see more information here.
5/21/2018: Helton and co-authors paper on how climate warming affects productivity in streams published in Nature Geosciences!
3/27/2018: Congrats to undergraduates Katherine Bell and Kayleigh Granville for receiving Summer Undergraduate Research Fund Awards for their Honors thesis research projects!
1/5/2018: Welcome Danielle Hare! Danielle will join us as a PhD student on our newly funded Stream Warming project!
11/1/2017: Welcome Lauren Koenig! Lauren joins us as a postdoc on the StreamPULSE project.
10/10/2017: Ashley and co-authors paper on dissolved organic carbon removal in river networks published in Advances in Water Resources.
8/23/2017: Ashley and co-authors paper on how network structure can affect nitrogen removal by stream networks published in Freshwater Biology.
8/1/2017: Welcome new MS student Sean Ooi to the lab! Sean will be working on our coastal wetlands project.
6/1/2017: Ashley, Janet, and colleagues from the USGS, Jeff Starn and Marty Briggs received a Connecticut Institute of Water Resources grant to study legacy N loading from groundwater to streams and rivers.
4/19/2017: April successfully defended her MS thesis!
4/6/2017: Janet receives the GSA summer research award for measuring N flux from groundwater to streams.
3/13/2017: The Helton lab shows up at CCNR! Congrats to all lab members on their great presentations!
3/9/2017: Congrats to Kayleigh Granville for receiving the Michael Lefor Award from CAWS to study nitrogen cycling in coastal wetlands!
2/10/2017: PhD student Janet Barclay passes her comprehensive exams. Congrats Janet!
2//2017: Ashley receives CAHNR's Kinsman Teaching award.
1/17/2017: Congrats to Katherine Bell and Kelsey Witik for receiving a UConn IDEA grant to study the effects of road salts on soils and plants!
12/16/2016: EPA awards UConn grant to study how sea level rise-driven shifts in wetland vegetation alter ecosystem services, including Helton.
11/28/2016: Our wetlands research and MS student April Doroski featured in Connecticut Sea Grant's Magazine - Wrack Lines.
10/6/2016: EPA Awards UConn grant for water quality research, including Helton. Click here to read more.
9/30/2016: Congrats to undergraduate Kayleigh Granville for a great Holster Scholar presentation "Effects of salinity on ephemeral wetland food webs"
9/24/2016: New article in press by PhD Student Janet Barclay: "Do waterbody classifications predict water quality"
4/28/2016: Congrats to MS student Jason Sauer who will be joining Nancy Grimm's lab at ASU for his PhD in Fall 2016 & Congrats to undergrad Mary Zawatski who will be joining Nat Weston's lab at Villanova for her MS in Fall 2016!!
2/12/2016: New article in press at Biogeochemistry: "Drought and saltwater incursion synergistically reduce dissolved organic carbon export from coastal freshwater wetlands"
2/1/2016: New article in press at Wetlands: "The Effects of Soil Moisture and Emergent Herbaceous Vegetation on Carbon Emissions from Constructed Wetlands"
1/27/2016: Congrats to MS student April Doroski who received a travel grant from the Wetland Foundation! April will present her research on coastal wetland denitrification at the Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting in May.
12/14/2015: Helton Lab is featured on the CAHNR blog, Naturally@UCONN. Click here to read the article!
10/1/2015: Helton, with collaborators at six universities, receives funding from NSF Macrosystems to study the response of stream ecosystem metabolism to land use and climate change.
8/15/2015: New article in press at Ecology Letters: "Thermodynamic constraints on the utility of ecological stoichiometry for explaining global biogeochemical patterns"
5/26/2015: Helton lab featured in the CAHNR Naturally @UConn blog here.
5/5/2015: PhD student Janet Barclay is featured in the CAHNR Naturally@UConn blog here.
4/20/2015: New article in press at JGR- Biogeosciences: "Dissolved organic carbon increases with water residence time in the alluvial aquifer of a river floodplain ecosystem"
3/16/2015: Helton lab members Janet Barclay, Mary Schoell, Eva Nelson, and Emily McInerney present research findings at the Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources.
2/27/2015: The Helton lab receives a grant from the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources to study the effects of road salts on ephemeral wetland ecosystems!
12/11/2014: Welcome to April Doroski! April will be joining us in the spring as an MS student working on coastal wetland biogeochemistry.
10/28/2014: We are recruiting an MS student to study coastal wetland biogeochemistry for Spring 2015. See ad and application instructions here.
10/22/2014: The Helton Lab receives grant from the Connecticut Sea Grant to study the effects of sea level rise and urbanization on the biogeochemical function of coastal wetlands.
10/5/2014: New article in press at Ecological Modelling: "A generalized optimization model of microbially driven aquatic biogeochemistry based on thermodynamic, kinetic, and stoichiometric ecological theory"
9/2/2014: Congrats to Jason Sauer for his role in the report on the Salton Sea, recently published by the Pacific Institute.
Click here to read the report, and here to check out the article in the LA Times!
8/20/2104: Emily and Mary are featured sampling greenhouse gases in the University of Connecticut promotional video for summer session!
7/21/2014: Emily McInerney's research on greenhouse gas emissions from constructed wetlands is featured on UCONN today!
5/23/2014: Welcome MS student Jason Sauer and PhD student Janet Barclay to the lab!
5/20/2014: New article by Helton et al in press at Biogeochemistry: "Biogeochemical regime shifts in coastal landscapes: the contrasting effects of saltwater incursion and agricultural pollution on greenhouse gas emissions from a freshwater wetland"
4/24/2014: Welcome (back) to Mary Schoell and Eva Nelson who will be working with us as research technicians in the lab this summer!
3/21/2014: Congrats to Emily McInerney for receiving the UConn Summer Undergraduate Research Fund award!
3/11/2014: Helton lab receives grant from the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources to investigate headwater storm fluxes of nutrients from the Connecticut River watershed.
3/1/2014: The Helton lab is searching for two graduate assistants for Fall 2014! See details here.
6/25/2021: Welcome new lab members! Ariana Dionisio (MS) and Madeline Kollegger (PhD).
6/22/2021: Helton is a co-author (along with former MS student Ooi) on a paper focused on salt marsh soil carbon dynamics, see press release here.
3/4/2021: PhD student Danielle Hare's research on shallow and deep groundwater contributions to streams across the U.S. published today in Nature Communications and featured in UConn Today and The Conversation
2/15/2021: Helton award funding from the Long Island Sound Research Fund for two projects (on watershed legacies and salt marsh restoration), see press release here.
2/2/2021: New paper led by former undergraduate Kayleigh Granville on seasonal patterns of denitrification published in Wetlands! Click here.
9/20/2020: New paper led by former PhD student Janet Barclay "Improved Prediction of Management‐Relevant Groundwater Discharge Characteristics Throughout River Networks" published in WRR. Click here.
5/20/2020: Helton gives a CLEAR webinar on "Water Quality Challenges in Groundwater Influenced Streams" - you can watch the recording here.
4/2/2020: Lab member Eric Moore earns an Honorable Mention for his NSF GRFP application!
8/7/2019: Postdoc Lauren Koenig leads paper on emergent productivity regimes of river networks published in Limnology and Oceanography-Letters. Click here.
7/29/2019: Postdoc Mark Harvey leads papers on using drone-mounted thermal infrared cameras to evaluate stream and wetland restoration published in Water. Click here.
4/14/2019: Lab members Kevin Jackson and Kayleigh Granville both earned Honorable Mentions for their NSF GRFP applications!
4/4/2019: Former MS student April Doroski's thesis work published in Wetlands! https://rdcu.be/busdL
3/27/2019: Congratulations to Sean Ooi and Janet Barclay, recipients of this year's college-level MS Research and PhD Research awards!
2/8/2019: New paper out, led by former MS student April Doroski. Greenhouse gas response when coastal wetlands experience both urban pollution and saltwater intrusion. Click here.
1/16/2019: The lab is growing! Welcome postdoc Mark Harvey, Phd student Eric Moore, and MS student Adam Haynes who all join us as part of our new NSF-funded Legacy Nitrogen Project!
1/3/2018: Two papers from the Helton lab out this week on wetland response to saltwater intrusion - one led by Helton in Ecosystems (here) and another led by former MS student April Doroski in Soil Biology and Biocheistry (here)!
8/24/2018: Welcome MS student Kevin Jackson to the lab!
7/6/2018: Helton and Dr. Marty Briggs and Dr. Jeff Starn (USGS) are awarded an NSF to study legacy nitrogen in groundwater discharge to streams and rivers!
6/7/2018: Helton and Dr. Marty Briggs (USGS) are seeking MS and PhD graduate students - see more information here.
5/21/2018: Helton and co-authors paper on how climate warming affects productivity in streams published in Nature Geosciences!
3/27/2018: Congrats to undergraduates Katherine Bell and Kayleigh Granville for receiving Summer Undergraduate Research Fund Awards for their Honors thesis research projects!
1/5/2018: Welcome Danielle Hare! Danielle will join us as a PhD student on our newly funded Stream Warming project!
11/1/2017: Welcome Lauren Koenig! Lauren joins us as a postdoc on the StreamPULSE project.
10/10/2017: Ashley and co-authors paper on dissolved organic carbon removal in river networks published in Advances in Water Resources.
8/23/2017: Ashley and co-authors paper on how network structure can affect nitrogen removal by stream networks published in Freshwater Biology.
8/1/2017: Welcome new MS student Sean Ooi to the lab! Sean will be working on our coastal wetlands project.
6/1/2017: Ashley, Janet, and colleagues from the USGS, Jeff Starn and Marty Briggs received a Connecticut Institute of Water Resources grant to study legacy N loading from groundwater to streams and rivers.
4/19/2017: April successfully defended her MS thesis!
4/6/2017: Janet receives the GSA summer research award for measuring N flux from groundwater to streams.
3/13/2017: The Helton lab shows up at CCNR! Congrats to all lab members on their great presentations!
3/9/2017: Congrats to Kayleigh Granville for receiving the Michael Lefor Award from CAWS to study nitrogen cycling in coastal wetlands!
2/10/2017: PhD student Janet Barclay passes her comprehensive exams. Congrats Janet!
2//2017: Ashley receives CAHNR's Kinsman Teaching award.
1/17/2017: Congrats to Katherine Bell and Kelsey Witik for receiving a UConn IDEA grant to study the effects of road salts on soils and plants!
12/16/2016: EPA awards UConn grant to study how sea level rise-driven shifts in wetland vegetation alter ecosystem services, including Helton.
11/28/2016: Our wetlands research and MS student April Doroski featured in Connecticut Sea Grant's Magazine - Wrack Lines.
10/6/2016: EPA Awards UConn grant for water quality research, including Helton. Click here to read more.
9/30/2016: Congrats to undergraduate Kayleigh Granville for a great Holster Scholar presentation "Effects of salinity on ephemeral wetland food webs"
9/24/2016: New article in press by PhD Student Janet Barclay: "Do waterbody classifications predict water quality"
4/28/2016: Congrats to MS student Jason Sauer who will be joining Nancy Grimm's lab at ASU for his PhD in Fall 2016 & Congrats to undergrad Mary Zawatski who will be joining Nat Weston's lab at Villanova for her MS in Fall 2016!!
2/12/2016: New article in press at Biogeochemistry: "Drought and saltwater incursion synergistically reduce dissolved organic carbon export from coastal freshwater wetlands"
2/1/2016: New article in press at Wetlands: "The Effects of Soil Moisture and Emergent Herbaceous Vegetation on Carbon Emissions from Constructed Wetlands"
1/27/2016: Congrats to MS student April Doroski who received a travel grant from the Wetland Foundation! April will present her research on coastal wetland denitrification at the Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting in May.
12/14/2015: Helton Lab is featured on the CAHNR blog, Naturally@UCONN. Click here to read the article!
10/1/2015: Helton, with collaborators at six universities, receives funding from NSF Macrosystems to study the response of stream ecosystem metabolism to land use and climate change.
8/15/2015: New article in press at Ecology Letters: "Thermodynamic constraints on the utility of ecological stoichiometry for explaining global biogeochemical patterns"
5/26/2015: Helton lab featured in the CAHNR Naturally @UConn blog here.
5/5/2015: PhD student Janet Barclay is featured in the CAHNR Naturally@UConn blog here.
4/20/2015: New article in press at JGR- Biogeosciences: "Dissolved organic carbon increases with water residence time in the alluvial aquifer of a river floodplain ecosystem"
3/16/2015: Helton lab members Janet Barclay, Mary Schoell, Eva Nelson, and Emily McInerney present research findings at the Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources.
2/27/2015: The Helton lab receives a grant from the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources to study the effects of road salts on ephemeral wetland ecosystems!
12/11/2014: Welcome to April Doroski! April will be joining us in the spring as an MS student working on coastal wetland biogeochemistry.
10/28/2014: We are recruiting an MS student to study coastal wetland biogeochemistry for Spring 2015. See ad and application instructions here.
10/22/2014: The Helton Lab receives grant from the Connecticut Sea Grant to study the effects of sea level rise and urbanization on the biogeochemical function of coastal wetlands.
10/5/2014: New article in press at Ecological Modelling: "A generalized optimization model of microbially driven aquatic biogeochemistry based on thermodynamic, kinetic, and stoichiometric ecological theory"
9/2/2014: Congrats to Jason Sauer for his role in the report on the Salton Sea, recently published by the Pacific Institute.
Click here to read the report, and here to check out the article in the LA Times!
8/20/2104: Emily and Mary are featured sampling greenhouse gases in the University of Connecticut promotional video for summer session!
7/21/2014: Emily McInerney's research on greenhouse gas emissions from constructed wetlands is featured on UCONN today!
5/23/2014: Welcome MS student Jason Sauer and PhD student Janet Barclay to the lab!
5/20/2014: New article by Helton et al in press at Biogeochemistry: "Biogeochemical regime shifts in coastal landscapes: the contrasting effects of saltwater incursion and agricultural pollution on greenhouse gas emissions from a freshwater wetland"
4/24/2014: Welcome (back) to Mary Schoell and Eva Nelson who will be working with us as research technicians in the lab this summer!
3/21/2014: Congrats to Emily McInerney for receiving the UConn Summer Undergraduate Research Fund award!
3/11/2014: Helton lab receives grant from the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources to investigate headwater storm fluxes of nutrients from the Connecticut River watershed.
3/1/2014: The Helton lab is searching for two graduate assistants for Fall 2014! See details here.